fueling the growth engine of american businesses

small and medium enterprises

We partner alongside privately-held businesses with between 20-200 employees, $10M-$250M in revenue, and a desire for strategic or operational support or growth

economical solutions

ValorWorks receives a placement fee for a successful hire and we provide ongoing support and consulting on a flat-fee basis; there's no dilution or exchange of equity for what we provide

industry agnostic

The depth and breadth of our Chief Execution Officers' human capital and our evergreen playbook allow us to support any industry

team development

ValorWorks advisors assist our Veterans and their companies to develop and execute strategic plans across divisions, teams, and functional groups; our process is designed to bolster team performance across the organization

aligned incentives

We help businesses structure equity vesting, profit-sharing, or deferred compensation agreements that incentivize performance and help teams align on a common goal


optimized outcomes

Our scalable framework improves growth and optimizes business-wide activities; it includes proven solutions for strategic planning, governance systems, profit optimization, compensation analysis, communication plans, organic sales acceleration, marketing, and business intelligence

reaching underserved geographies

We seek to partner with companies in the southeastern United States and Texas.  Although this area is home to a large number of military bases, we believe small and medium businesses lack access to elite military talent; additionally, businesses in these areas may not have access to consulting services.

ValorWorks believes in the power of community — to this end, we strive to connect elite military Veterans with businesses who represent a source of economic benefit and employment to the communities in which they operate.



the process


During our first conversation with potential partners, we’ll identify the most pressing talent needs and any leadership or skills gaps.  We’ll also briefly discuss strategic goals, growth opportunities, and a recent example of a success and a failure.  

As we identify potential candidates and begin introductions, we’ll conduct a deeper dive of our partner company’s current operational state using a series of structured, yet informal conversations with key business leaders.

Once we’ve found a fit between our elite military Veteran and our partner company, we’ll help align incentives and craft an execution plan that will accelerate the time to value of the new Chief Execution Officer within the partner company.  We’ll also go over our playbook as it relates to our understanding of the partner company’s needs. 

From there, we’ll outline our consulting engagement and begin work immediately to grow and optimize the partner company.